Expertoption Registration / Open account

Registration. Expertoption open account

ExpertOption registration F.A.Q.

You have few options to open account. First of all you have to decide which app you wanna use for opening account. To open account you can use iOS app, Android app, macOS app, Windows app or just any browser on your PC.
We recommend use any browser on your PC. We prefer Google Chrome browser because it more stable.

Let start. On the screen you can see buttons “LogIn” and “Real account”.

expertoption open real account
expertoption open real account

We need exactly button “Real account” in case if you want use your email for registration you need fill information like: “E-mail” and “Password”.

expertoption fill email password
expertoption fill email password

Please be sure that you fill all data correctly. You have to fill only your real E-mail. In case if you fill incorrect information you may have some troubles with account verification. ExpertOption is serious finance service and we recommend be honest with them.

After you fill all information you need read Terms and conditions. If you agree with terms and conditions you can click on the check box and then click on the button “Open account”.

expertoption terms conditions
expertoption terms conditions

Also ExpertOption offer registration by Gmail or Facebook account. It also one of the way for opening account on the ExpertOption. To open account with your Facebook or Gmail account you just need click one of the button.

expertoption facebook gmail registration
expertoption facebook gmail registration

In case if you think that you fill incorrect personal data please edit it in your ExpertOption profile or contact to ExpertOption support online in the chat or by email.

ExpertOption registration is very simple and don’t take a lot of time. After registration you can make deposit and use account for real trading.

expertoption deposit page
expertoption deposit page

If you need practice for free you can open demo account by 1-click.

expertoption demo account
expertoption demo account

You don’t need any registration to open demo account. Demo account allow you practice as much as you need for free. We recommend use demo trading for practice before make real deposit. Please remember more practice more chance to make real money with

ExpertOption Register / Open account – Mobile: iOS or Android app

ExpertOption iOS / Android app register account
ExpertOption iOS / Android app register account

Traders can use iOS or Android ExpertOption application to open trading account. To open account on mobile app follow the instruction:

  • Enter your email address (in case if you want use email for registration)
  • Enter your password (if you use email for registration)
  • Select “Facebook” registration (in case if you have Facebook social account)
  • Select “Gmail” registration (in case if you have Gmail account)

ExpertOption registration via Gmail from WEB

First of all, you can register on ExpertOption via gmail from WEB. It is pretty simple to do so:

  1. When you are on a homepage, click on the “Real account” button, which is located in the top right corner.
ExpertOption registration via Gmail from WEB
ExpertOption registration via Gmail from WEB
  1. After that, you will need to put a tick that you accept Terms & conditions and privacy policy.
  2. Then, press the “Google” button
ExpertOption press the Google button
ExpertOption press the Google button
  1. Google sign in window will appear, you will need to enter your Gmail.
  2. Next, press the “Next” button.
ExpertOption enter Google email or Phone
ExpertOption enter Google email or Phone
  1. Enter password from your gmail account.
  2. Lastly, click on the “Next” button once again.
ExpertOption enter Google password
ExpertOption enter Google password

After that you will be registered on the ExpertOption trading Platform!

ExpertOption Registration via E-mail from WEB

If you don’t have gmail, don’t worry. You can register with any other e-mail you have. In order to do that, follow these simple steps:

  1. Once you are on a homepage, click on the “Real account” button, which you can find in the upper-right corner.
Registration via E-mail from WEB
Registration via E-mail from WEB
  1. A small window will appear, where you will have to enter your email.
  2. Then, create a password for your ExpertOption account and write it down.
  3. Put a tick that you accept Terms & conditions and privacy policy.
  4. Finally, click on the “Open account” button and you will be registered.
Registration register form
Registration register form

By the way, you can register via gmail using this way too.

ExpertOption Registration via Facebook from WEB

What’s more, you can register via Facebook from WEB too. If you wish to do so, please follow these steps:

  1. When you are on a main page, click on the “Real account” button, which you can find in the top right corner.
Registration via Facebook from WEB
Registration via Facebook from WEB
  1. Then, put a tick that you accept terms & conditions and privacy policy.
  2. After that click on the “Facebook” button.
Registration click on the Facebook button
Registration click on the Facebook button
  1. Facebook sign in window will appear, where you will need to enter your email you used in order to open a Facebook account.
  2. Then enter the password from your Facebook account.
  3. Lastly, press on the “Log In” button and you will be registered.
Registration Facebook login form
Registration Facebook login form

ExpertOption registration via Gmail from iOS

As it was mentioned above, ExpertOption trading platform is available on all devices. Thus, in case you have an iOS device, you can register from it. The first way you can register is via Gmail. For the purpose of doing that, you will need to complete a few easy steps:

  1. Firstly, when you are in a trade room, press on the “Real account” button which is located at the top of your screen.
ExpertOption registration via Gmail from iOS
ExpertOption registration via Gmail from iOS
  1. Then, make sure you put a tick that you accept terms and conditions.
  2. Next, press on the “Google” button.
ExpertOption press on the Google button
ExpertOption press on the Google button
  1. Then, you will need to press on the “Continue” button.
ExpertOption press on the Continue button
ExpertOption press on the Continue button
  1. Google sign in page will open and you will need to enter your gmail.
  2. Then, press on the “Next” button.
ExpertOption enter Goggle email or Phone
ExpertOption enter Goggle email or Phone
  1. Enter password from your gmail.
  2. Finally, press on the “Next” button again and you will be registered.
ExpertOption enter Goggle password
ExpertOption enter Goggle password

ExpertOption Registration via E-mail from iOS

In addition, you can register your ExpertOption account via E-mail from iOS. In order to do this, please follow these easy steps:

  1. Once you are in a trade room, press on the “Real account” button, which you can find at the top of your screen.
Registration via E-mail from iOS
Registration via E-mail from iOS
  1. A registration window will be opened, where you will have to enter your E-mail.
  2. Then, create a password and write it down.
  3. Make sure you have a tick that you accept terms and conditions.
  4. Lastly, press on the “Create account” button. After that you will be registered!
ExpertOption register form
ExpertOption register form

ExpertOption Registration via Facebook from iOS

Furthermore, you can register via Facebook from an iOS device too. If you would like to register via Facebook, you will have to complete a few steps:

  1. First of all, press on the “Real account” button, which is placed at the top of your screen.
ExpertOption Registration via Facebook from iOS
ExpertOption Registration via Facebook from iOS
  1. Make sure that you have a tick that you accept terms and conditions.
  2. Next, click on the “Facebook” button.
ExpertOption click on the Facebook button
ExpertOption click on the Facebook button
  1. Then press the “Continue” button in order to sign in via Facebook.
ExpertOption press the Continue button
ExpertOption press the Continue button
  1. Enter your phone number or email that you used to open your Facebook account.
  2. Next, enter the password from your Facebook account.
  3. Finally, press on the “Log In” button and then you will be registered!
ExpertOption Facebook login form
ExpertOption Facebook login form

ExpertOption registration via Gmail from Android

If you have an Android device, you can register on the Expert Option Trading platform from it too. There are several ways you can sign up on the platform from Android. The first way is registration via Gmail. If you wish to do so, you will need to complete a few simple steps:

  1. Firstly, when you are in a trade room, press on the “Deposit” button, which you may find in the upper-right corner.
ExpertOption registration via Gmail from Android
ExpertOption registration via Gmail from Android
  1. Then make sure you have a tick that you accept terms and conditions.
  2. Next, press the “Google” button.
ExpertOption press the Google button
ExpertOption press the Google button
  1. After that, you will need to enter your gmail.
  2. Press the “Next” button.
ExpertOption enter Google email or phone
ExpertOption enter Google email or phone
  1. Then, enter the password from your gmail account.
  2. Lastly, press the “Next” button again and you will be registered!
ExpertOption enter Google password
ExpertOption enter Google password

ExpertOption Registration via E-mail from Android

Also you can register on the ExpertOption via E-mail from Android, which is pretty simple to do. For the purpose of doing that, please follow these steps:

  1. Once you are in a trade room, press the “Deposit” button, which is located at the top right corner of your screen.
ExpertOption Registration via E-mail from Android
ExpertOption Registration via E-mail from Android
  1. Next, enter your E-mail.
  2. Create and enter your password.
  3. Make sure you have a tick that you accept terms and conditions.
  4. Finally, press the “Create account” button and you will be registered.
ExpertOption press the Create account button
ExpertOption press the Create account button

ExpertOption Registration via Facebook from Android

Another way you can register on the ExpertOption from your Android device is via Facebook. So if you would like to register via Facebook from Android, you will have to complete the following steps:

  1. Firstly, when you are in a trade room, press on the “Deposit” button, which is placed at the upper-right corner.
ExpertOption Registration via Facebook from Android
ExpertOption Registration via Facebook from Android
  1. Then, make sure you have a tick that you accept terms and conditions.
  2. After that, press the “Facebook” button.
ExpertOption press the Facebook button
ExpertOption press the Facebook button
  1. Facebook sign in page will open, where you will need to enter your email or phone number which you used to create your Facebook account.
  2. Next, enter the password from your “Facebook” account.
  3. Lastly, press the “Log In” button and your account will be created!
ExpertOption Facebook login form
ExpertOption Facebook login form

ExpertOption Restricted countries for registration

It is worth mentioning that even though ExpertOption operates in many countries, there are some restricted countries for registration. To be more specific, ExpertOption does not provide services to residents of the following countries: USA, Canada, European Economic Area, Switzerland, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, North Korea, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Russia, Iran and Yemen. Therefore, if you are a citizen of any of the above listed countries, the registration will be prohibited for you.

ExpertOption Restricted countries for registration
ExpertOption Restricted countries for registration
Login / Register